
You will need PDF Reader to view these documents, if you do not have it please download from here

Child Protection Policy

Attendance Policy

Relationship Education

Uniform Policy

Acceptable Use Policy


Anti Bullying


Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy – Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

Child Protection Policy Manual

Child Protection Policy

Charging & Remissions


Complaints : Serial & Unreasonable

Data Protection Policy inc. CCTV

Educational Visits Establishment Policy


EYFS Policy

First Aid and Medicines

Freedom of Information

Guidance re Children with Health Needs who cannot attend school – Reviewed 26.04.2022

Home School Agreement Policy

ICT Acceptable Use Policy

Managing Harmful Sexualised Behaviour

Model Archive Policy

Parent Behaviour

Parental Use of Social Networking & Internet Sites

Privacy Notice for Pupils & Parents

Privacy Notice for Volunteers

Protection of Biometric Information of Children in Schools and Colleges

Pupils with Medical Needs

Relationship Education


Suspension & Permanent Exclusion

Uniform Policy

Website Privacy Policy

Website Accessibility Policy


Work Experience & Volunteer Placement Policy

Summary Table of Responsibilities
for School Attendance