Links to Home Learning Websites
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Home Activity Packs – click here and select the age group
Gareth Metcalfe – offering daily live maths lessons for KS2 and maths games to play with younger children estimated time on YouTube 9.15am Y3/4 and 10.00am Y5/6 (Year 2 and Year 6 previous SATs questions) Lots of free activities, no need to sign up Please don’t help complete this as it moves your child up a level which they might not be able to do. Logins have already been sent home (Y3-Y6) User name – march20, password – home Easy to sign up as a parent. Resources to support home learning including health and wellbeing No login needed No login needed Easy to sign up as a parent No login needed Easy to sign up as a parent
White Rose maths are planning some free packages for schools to use of they have to close. The first will be released sometime this week.
Craig Barton diagnostics questions contains SATS revision quizzes
Craig Barton White Rose Quizzes are quizzes
Seneca – free online tutorials for Year 5 and 6
Khan Academy – an abundance of videos from the US for all ages groups
MyMaths – free access to schools until September one-stop shop for parents full of helpful resources, videos, apps, websites and more