Designated Safeguarding Leaders

Mr Johnson
Designated Safeguarding Leader

Mrs Halliday
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Mrs Jenkinson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Mrs Warrington
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Miss Gill
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Mrs Boddy
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Mr Philps
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader

Who are we?…

Designated Safeguarding Leaders are responsible for Safeguarding everyone in our school community. If you have any worries or want to raise any concerns, please contact them by using the surveys below or our Inclusion email address. They are here to help and take this responsibility very seriously.

Parent/Carer Support

Child Wellbeing Support

What we do…

At Gladstone Road School we are proud of the Safeguarding culture we have cultivated. Every member of staff is highly trained in how to keep themselves, the children and our community safe. The staff recieve weekly training from Mr Johnson to ensure they are completely up to date with the latest Government advice and the current themes within our school community.

What Ofsted say…

There is a very strong culture of safeguarding at this school. All adults working in school, including governors, receive appropriate training to keep pupils and each other safe. Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to keep themselves safe. They understand the systems that leaders have put in place to keep them safe. Staff at the school have a good awareness of the local risks and how to help pupils avoid them. Leaders ensure that pupils who are at risk get the help they need and take appropriate, rigorous action to ensure pupils’ safety. Recruitment processes in school ensure that the necessary safeguarding checks for staff and volunteers are robust.