Miss Brown

Miss Brown

Class Teacher

Hello, I’m Miss Brown and I have been a teacher and KS2 Music Coordinator here at Gladstone Road since 2001.

One of my favourite things about teaching is spending time with my class, and getting to know all of the children as individuals with their unique personalities and contributions to school and classroom life. The subjects I most enjoy teaching are DT, maths and music, and my favourite subjects to learn about are history and geography.

I also love being part of our school orchestra and seeing those children who take up musical instruments in year 3/4 become proficient enough to play their first notes at orchestra rehearsals, pass their music exams and even perform their first solos in a school assembly or concert.

The best part of teaching at Gladstone Road though is taking the children out and about on the various trips and visits we provide: these experiences are always memorable with never a dull moment!