Year 3 – Autumn 1


Rocks and Soils: Children will…

  • Sort the same group of materials in different ways
  • Sort materials by a number of different criteria
  • Suggest materials which could be used for specific jobs
  • Set up a simple test to explore the differences between materials
  • Compare and group together different rocks based on their simple physical properties
  • Describe and explain how different rocks can be useful to us
  • Can they describe and explain the differences between sedimentary and igneous rocks, considering the way they are formed
  • Describe how fossils are formed within sedimentary rock
  • Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter




E-Safety: Children will…

  • Question the ‘validity’ of what they see on the internet
  • Use a browser address bar not just search box and shortcuts
  • Think before sending and comment on consequences of sending/posting
  • Recognise online behaviours that would be unfair
  • Recognise social networking sites and social networking features built into other things (such as online games and handheld games consoles)
  • Make judgments in order to stay safe, whilst communicating with others online
  • Tell an adult if anything worries them online
  • Identify dangers when presented with scenarios, social networking profiles etc.
  • Articulate examples of good and bad behaviour online


Moi: Children will…

  • Greet native speakers and know about polite forms of address
  • Ask and answer questions
  • Develop speaking strategies to convey meaning and remember a sequence of spoken words
  • Recognise and respond to sound patterns and words
  • Can locate countries where target language is spoken 


Keeping Safe: Children will…

  • Demonstrate an understanding of e-safety when communicating online
  • Identify and explain how to manage risks in different and familiar situations
  • Discuss how to keep myself safe in a variety of situations
  • Make judgements about decisions and use basic techniques for resisting negative peer pressure
  • Know how to ask for help and about the people who are responsible for keeping me healthy and safe

Art and Design

Observational pastel drawings rocks/cave paintings: Children will…

  • Use different grades of pencil shade to show different tones & textures
  • Write an explanation of their sketch in notes
  • Use their sketches to produce a final piece of work
  • Use a range of brushes to create different effects
  • Explore work from other periods of time
  • Use montage
  • Use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject & describe likes & dislikes
  • Experiment using different colours.


Light & Dark: Children will…

  • Discover why light is an important symbol to religions
  • Consider what and who are leading lights
  • Express their own ideas about light and darkness and associated concepts (e.g. truth, fear, ignorance, warmth)
  • Reflect on their own experience of light and darkness, expressing their ideas creatively in their lives


Let your spirit fly

  • The children will listen and appraise the piece of music “Let your spirit fly and other pieces of music
  • The children will carry out activities to warm their voice and listen and respond to different rhythms and pulses
  • The children will learn to sing the song “Let your spirit fly”
  • The children will learn to play an accompanying part on the glockenspiel
  • The children will perform their finished piece.